
The Property Pack


Tips for Success Using Video Production in Your Business

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Are you a start-up company or an already established business and want to create brand awareness or generate new business leads? Video production has the power to attract tens of thousands of views and evoke a response. However, this is not fully guaranteed.

Nevertheless, you can opt to hire a video production agency that makes your video stand out from the rest. A perfect example is this video production Sydney based agency.

You can also try out these tips for success using video production in your business.

Let’s dive in.

What’s your Goal?

There are hundreds if not thousands of companies and creators that are creating amazing content in just about every industry. This means you should create exceptional videos with a unique selling point or purpose such as: aiming to attract new leads or close more leads, Showcasing your business products to attract online sales, Sharing a customer’s testimonial, Creating more awareness of your product and services by sharing viral content.

Have a Call to Action.

A call to action is an opportunity to engage your audience in the next step of your sales funnel. You could ask your audience to:

Download a piece of content from your website for free

Subscribe to your videos or email

Click to buy online

Contact someone for more information

Connect with you on social media

Search Engine Optimization

SEO ensures your video can be found online by people searching your products and services. This is attained by adding a series of relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags. In addition, you can add subtitles to the video, engaging with comments on your videos, and giving a complete description of what you intend to cover in your video.

Use Video Analytics tools

HubSpot Video, Wistia, and Bright Cove are platforms that provide advanced analytics of your videos. These platforms can give you insight into viewer behavior such as: how much of your video was watched, which particular contacts watched your video, and who clicked on your Call to Action.

Keep it brief

Did you know that 53 % of people watching business videos leave after one minute? That’s right. This is according to Adelie Studios executive producer, Eric Guerin. Therefore, you should craft a concise and engaging video that drives your audience to your call to action.

Be aware of your target audience

Understanding your target audience is one of the challenges you will have to face. Nevertheless, your business goals should be a starting point to help you segment your target audience.

In addition, you should spend time understanding the existing drivers of your target audience, their mindset, and knowing what will persuade them to make a decision.