
The Property Pack


  • Written by NewsCo

For a long time, digital trends have been moving at a remarkably slower pace. However, in the past year and particularly in the wake of covid 19, there has been a rapid acceleration of digital transformation across all business sectors.

The pandemic has impactfully challenged our way of life and how businesses operate, resulting in a sudden, irreversible shift in the status quo.

Working from home, improvement in e-commerce, online transaction, and careful balancing and distribution of the workforce are all evidence of this irreversible reality.

Although unexpected, the world has since adapted to the changing trends, and the benefits are already being realized and exploited.


Impact of Digital Transformation


The impact of the accelerated digital transformation is felt mainly in the business and employment industries. Most of these changes have brought new benefits, while some have brought with them serious repercussions.

For instance, emerging technologies have significantly improved organizations', companies' and industries' timely and efficient operations and better service delivery.

The use of data analysis in decision-making and mobility is one example of this new development. At the same time, marketing has been spearheaded by social media, inbound marketing and other digital marketing techniques.

For timely and efficient service delivery, online shopping, delivery apps and online transactions have positively transformed consumer behavior and experience.

Working from home and online conferences have had both negative and positive impacts on office practice. For one, it helps reduce the risks and spread of the pandemic.

For another, it meant job losses for the manually skilled workers who have been replaced by industrial automation. The downside of this new trend has been felt mainly by the workforce and significant industrial stakeholders.

Therefore, there is a need to adopt new strategies that go hand in hand with digital transformation to minimize its negative impacts.

In the transport and hospitality industries, the rise of companies like Airbnb and Uber has disrupted operational trends in their respective sectors, creating new approaches to customer engagement.

E-commerce sectors like Alibaba and Amazon are increasingly working hard to effect new changes to improve customer engagement and experience. An example of such developments is the recently launched Amazon Till Free Shopping.

The digital transformation had also given rise to several fintech companies that have permanently transformed consumer habits, transactions and experiences

Not to be left behind is the health industry, where robotic technology redefines patient care, surgical procedures, and overall medical treatment.

Overall, digital transformation creates a new wave of change across all industries, both large and small.

Therefore it is upon these industries to fully embrace the changing trends in the business and technological world.

This will spearhead the implementation of strategies that will maximize the benefits of business digitalization while minimizing the negative impacts that come with it.