
The Property Pack


  • Written by Dr. Robert Owens

If you’re not ready for Christ to return today … You’re not ready.

Bill Clinton – Gave Nukes to North Korea

Barrack Obama – Gave Billions in cash to Iran

Hillary Clinton – Gave uranium to Russia

Trump – Gave tax cuts to America

How can a moral wrong be a civil right?

Your past does not preclude your future.

Why was it a crime for Nixon to wiretap Democrats at Watergate but not for Obama to wiretap Republicans at Trump Tower?

The FBI was told multiple times that a 19 year old psychopath was going to shoot up a high school and they did nothing.  But they have plenty of manpower to spy on presidential campaigns and monitor private conversations.

A porn star says she had sex with our President and they raid his lawyer’s office.  Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?  And what do the allegations of a porn star have to do with the Russian collusion case Mueller is supposed to be investigating?

Black Lives Matter’s Facebook page is fine but Diamond and Silk are a danger to the community?

How can a moral wrong be a civil right?

I have no problem with background checks for guns as soon as we do the same thing for immigration and voter ID.

Faith isn’t a magic formula to make everything turn out all right … it’s being all right no matter how things turn out.

If people quit believing in God it isn’t that they believe in nothing … instead they will believe in anything.

The one thing that is worse than being poor is being poor again.

I told everyone that I had a credibility problem but no one believed me.

Any generation taught to hate their country will refuse to defend it as well.

Even a little light is bright in the middle of the night.

Wake up Democrats!  Your party has turned communist on you.

If we don't know where we come from we have no idea where we are and we can't imagine where we’re going.

If we don't know what rights we have we will not notice when those rights are taken away.

No one gets to live in the world they grew up in.

If everyone you meet is a jerk it might be that you’re the jerk.

The awareness of my own mortality leads me to seek a life that has eternal significance.  All things must pass … only those things done in Christ will last.

War breathes life to the State.  It breathes death to empires.

Empires won by the strong hand of conquerors fall from the limp wrists of their descendants.

Bernie Sanders and the Socialists oppose greed and support gun control.  If they ever take over the country they will raise your taxes and if you don’t pay they will send armed troops to collect.

I need an ID to buy a gun

I need an ID to board an airplane

I need an ID to buy alcohol

I need an ID to go fishing

I need an ID to get a loan

I need an ID to drive

I need an ID to get a bank account

Why don’t I need an ID to vote? 

One hundred years from now it won’t matter what my job was, how much money I made, how big my house was, or what kind of a car I drove but If I can make a difference in the life of even one child it may reverberate through the corridors of time.

How can people proudly wave the flag of a foreign country but at the same time consider it a punishment to be sent back there?

Most young people act as if youth is some clever thing they invented or covered.  They don’t seem to realize that though a forty year old may know what it’s like to be twenty a twenty year old cannot know what it is to be forty.

The History we are taught in secondary school is often sugar coated.  It is when we start to look at alternative views that we find there has always been a great debate as to what happened, how it happened, why it happened, and what it all means.

The older we get the more of our lives become History perhaps that is why it is more interesting, we can remember so much more of it.  Things are being left out of our History books, purged you might say.  What isn't remembered will be forgotten.  Every society and culture has always taught what might be called a glorified History that explains why they exist and should exist as a distinct group.  When a country stops teaching this to their young in a few generations it is hard for the people to justify in their own minds why they are who they are and why they should continue to be.  This leads inevitably to a crisis that usually portends the end.

Since the Constitution says what the justices tell us it says with each passing majority they can re-write the document however they see fit.  The debate about whether or not it is a document carved in stone or a living document has been resolved it is written in the sands of time and it can change with the rising of the tide.  That isn’t a good thing but it is what it is … unless we change it.  There is only one purpose for a written constitution .. to stand the test of time. 

Due to differences in personality, education, intelligence, and other factors such as socioeconomic classes there is no universal experience.  This is an important thing to realize across the board in Historical studies; everyone is the center of their own world and everyone experiences life from where they stand and all attempts to speak of "the" experiences of people is a fabrication that may be agreed upon by scholars but has little relationship to what any one person may experience.

The socialist economics of the USSR and the inefficiencies it caused brought about the implosion of the Soviet empire.  After that fall America rushed headlong into socialism itself and it may just be a matter of time until we join the Soviets on the trash heap of History.   I remember that we woke up one morning and the USSR was arguably the strongest nation on earth and unarguably the largest and by the time we went to bed it had disappeared.  Since then we have worked hard to limit competition and extend benefits, "From each according to their ability to each according to their need" and while our self-satisfaction has risen everything else is in decline.  Maybe what we need is some Glasnost and Perestroika.

It’s kind of hard to believe the Democrats are so enraged over someone trying to illegally influence our elections when they are against voter ID.

Ask a farmer about the weather and it’s always too hot, too cold, too wet, or too dry.  But one thing is for sure .. wherever you go the weather is there.  And everywhere you go people say, “If you don’t like the weather wait five minutes it’ll change.”

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @  © 2018 Contact Dr. Owens   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens or visit Dr. Owens Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens


No one gets to live in the world they grew up in.


Words of wisdom, Dr. Robert Owens, random thoughts, philosophy, practical advice


Dr. Robert Owens' Book

Hope a book of Christian hope, Skid Marks in the Sky an autobiography covering my days as a rock-n-roll musician and hippie, and Make America Great Again - AGAIN! a book filled with the positive accomplishments of President Trumps first term (to-date).  All of these are available through Amazon at

Dr. Robert Owens

Buy it today at Amazon

Dr. Robert Owens’ Newest Book 


While neither the first nor the last Hippie, Backstreet was in many ways the quintessential Hippie.  Today the Hippie experience has been glamorized and sanitized by the dreaming of the young and the gleaning of the old. 

Backstreet's experiences covered the whole range of experimentation and rebellion that the Hippies came to symbolize.  From the "Summer of Love" in People's Park and Haight Ashbury, (he helped bury the Hippie in San Francisco) through Drop City, Colorado to the Armadillo in Austin, Texas Backstreet was there. 

More than the Lost Generation of the post-World War I era or the Beat Generation of the 1950's the Hippie Generation represents the ultimate in missed opportunities, lost dreams, and eventually counterproductive goals. 

This book is available at: 

Make America Great Again - AGAIN!

This book is filled with some of the positive accomplishments of President Trump’s first Administration.  Most of this has never been covered by the echo-chamber megaphone pretending to be an objective media.  Some of it has been covered as if through a carnival mirror, distorted and reshaped to fit the negative agenda of the Left. 

Though the media elites, the perpetually re-elected, and the bureaucrats of the deep state are united in their determination to defeat Donald Trump they’ve forgotten one thing … most Americans still believe in America.  And though they’ve used the Plandemic to shut down our economy and their shock troops are burning down our cities they’ll not be able to terrorize us into staying home on election day. 

And when the dust settles,  

four more years may give us enough breathing space to: 

Make America Great Again – Again! 

All of Dr. Owens’ books are available in paperback and kindle at: