
The Property Pack


  • Written by News Co Media

It is well worth mentioning that influencing has long been researched as a phenomenon and process. So, today you can find plenty of recommendations and training on the matter of influencing and persuading others in talks and business interactions. But while deciding how to improve influencing skills online, remember that there are valid scholarly approaches and tips, and there are scamming schemes hunting for your money.

Scholars single out a set of positive influencing techniques that impact others beneficially and ethically. These techniques guarantee that no one will ever accuse you of cheating or manipulating.  So while opting for a reliable training session, make sure that you are taught the proper techniques and skills.

Influencing Based On Reason (And The Most Common Way To Improve Influencing Skills Online)

This style is popular in cultures where law and order and rational approach rule. Explanations with relation to facts and predictable outcomes are preferred to any other ‘irrational’ approaches.

A logical recounting of facts relies on the impassioned delivery of available information and calculations. You say what is necessary and why it is necessary and important, with ample evidence supporting what you say.

The exchange of ideas looks like a negotiation but aims at influencing others. You do not look to get the input of others but instead, you try to instill your agenda into their minds. Yet it happens naturally and unobtrusively.

Appeals to authority (legitimization) work well if you lack authority in your position or personality. When you appeal to the authority of reputable third parties, you validate your ideas and make them more valuable.

Asserting (delivering your viewpoint with total confidence) should be used rarely because it looks aggressive. But sometimes pushing forward your agenda is the only way to make things work.

Influencing Through Social Networking (Connecting With People)

This style is more appropriate for cultures where personal connections and explicit social rituals are of the primary concern. Mind that while seeking to improve influencing skills online.

The creation of alliances means that you find others who will support and advocate your cause. In some situations, group pressure can be more efficient than solo efforts.

Consultations work the same as ideas exchange in the logical approach. You make people feel values when they contribute, and the more you ‘consult’ with them, the better the outcome for you.

Establishing common grounds and building informal friendly connections is one of the most powerful influencing techniques. When people feel relaxed and safe, feel appreciated and liked, they are more willing to agree with you and accept your viewpoint. So be nice and friendly, where possible.

Reliance on personal relationships is also one of the important impact-making tools. When you try to get the consent of people you know well and have fruitful relationships with, you are more likely to succeed. This is why networking is one of the most important influencing skills ever.

Influencing Based On Emotions (Values And Virtues)

This approach is less popular, because only a certain kind of personality, a charismatic leader and a visionary, can produce an appeal strong enough to engage others.

Providing an ‘ideal’ role model

Teachers, mentors, coaches, and other people with established reputations often make good role models. If you plan to influence people in this way, you need to cultivate your reputation from the first day of your career before you set out to improve influencing skills online or offline. You as a whole person are the model people will imitate.

Appeal to common values

Emotional appeals are often marked as manipulation, but many causes can only be championed through belief and commitment to higher values. Their practical benefits can be obscure and very slow to emerge. So making people believe is the only way to gain their attention and support.