
Business Marketing


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One of the major ingredients of your Digital Marketing success is your ability to drive unsurmountable traffic to your website. Having said that, it has to be kept on top of your mind that quality traffic is the key to better conversions. The very next question that needs to be addressed is: Is it possible to drive countless quality traffic to your website in a short span of time? The surprisable answer is: Yes. But how - it is the next pertinent question. This article discusses and covers various ways how you can create and drive traffic to your website.


Paid Ads


Paid Ads are the quickest form of reaching your target audience and getting scores of quality visitors to your website. Your ad budgets can go terribly waste if you do not know and implement your ads in the right and specified formats, intervals, quality and platforms. You have to have a fair understanding as to how different ads and platforms perform in order to plan your ad campaigns and employ them. You can effectively use the following Ad Formats for successfully launching your website traffic improvement campaign.


Thought-out Targeted Social Media Ads


Social media platforms provide a lot of options for advertisers to fulfill their specific objectives. As an advertiser you can choose your objective and run your ad campaign. With expert targeting methods and audience selection, you will be able to reach out to your intended audience with the right message and achieve your objective of generating traffic to your website.


Carefully Crafted Google PPC Ads


These are ads that prop up in Google on the top and the right side of Google Results Page when people search for certain keywords. These ads called Google PPC Ads generate inbound traffic to your website if you create ad copies with carefully chosen words and content. Moreover, you have to use the optimal keyword phrase type so that you will get more clicks yet with quality traffic. Quality and relevant ads are less expensive and more result producing.


To effectively choose keywords for your campaign, you can use Google keyword generation and research tool Google Keyword Planner to generate various combinations of keyword phrases and check their popularity. Their monthly search volumes tell you how popular each of their keywords are. You can use the Forecast Tool of the same Keyword Planner to see the forecast of clicks for those keywords for a given budget in a month. You can use a mix of both short tail and long tail keyword phrases to plan a perfect campaign to generate clicks and traffic to your website.


Effectively Programmed Display Ads


Display Ads are online banner ads that run on a single website or platform or those ads or sets of ads that run on a network of websites and platforms affiliated to the marketing program or ad server. Google Display Ads has a network of websites, blogs, platforms and apps where ads created in Google Display Ads console will run. These ad types of graphic images and videos. The video ads run on YouTube as well as Google network and partner websites and platforms. Each of these ad types has various categories that you can choose from based on your objectives, functional requirements and audience targeting. These user controlled ad programs are very effective if performed logically and intelligently.


Ads on Super-active Apps


If you run your ads on super active apps such as food ordering apps, home delivery apps, etc., that enjoy humongous use rate and heavy traffic with the perfect blend of design, concept and context relevance, you will get the desired hits to your website even in a very short period of time. Check out Blurn, No 1 web design company in sydney, Australia.


Paid PR


Paid PR’s are paid editorials and news items that run on high authority news websites and platforms and thus attract huge traffic for their nature of informative content and announcements. There are globally accredited news distribution companies who can distribute your news articles and get them published in several globally recognized news portals, news channels, journalist forums, trade publications, research journals and news media. These news content have the potential to attract millions of users on a global level for their newsworthy for the whole world, specific audience, industry or field. Paid Press Releases result in huge sales conversions and bring long term SEO benefits to your website.




A cost-effective yet powerful digital marketing process is SEO. This organic traffic generation process brings huge traffic for your website for free by putting your website on top of search engine ranking pages for specific keywords. You have to consciously program those keywords and take efforts to optimize your website until desired results are achieved and maintain results thereafter to sustain quality traffic to your website. Though this process takes time to bring in concrete results, it will help your website to get streaming traffic once achieved and help your website to become an authority website in your specific niche in the long run.


Content Marketing


The world of digital marketing is about marketing of quality content in all the best ways possible. You can use any of the following ideas, methods and strategies to promote your content which has to be highly engaging in nature and of super duper quality.


  • Trending Technology


  • TimelyAdvice


  • Well Rounded Solutions


  • Resounding Tips


  • Raging Discussions


  • Well Covered News Stories


  • First-to-broadcast News Pieces


  • Sensational Stories


  • Controversial Topics


  • Sequential Narratives

Video Marketing


Video sites have become the new platforms for people to get their information for instant problem solving and easy understanding of topics, happenings, technologies and trends apart from entertainment and educational needs. For effective video marketing, you can use the following types of videos for engaging with your audience for instant, short-term, seasonal or long term.


  • Engaging Videos


  • Informative Videos


  • Problem Solving Videos


  • News & Fun Videos


  • Curiosity Videos


  • Tutorial Videos


  • Social Issues Discussion Videos


  • Self or Business Improvement Videos


  • Job or Business Opportunity Videos


Social Bookmarking


This is a great way to tell the search engines that your website is there for a specific purpose and offers a certain set of information for a specific audience. Google indexes your website based on the keywords and metadata that you submit in those numerous Social Bookmarking sites, and shows in its search results when users look for your keywords and categories.


Directory Submissions


You can submit or list your website in all possible Web Directories for getting traffic from and through these Directories. To boost your website traffic, hire Sydney's No 1 SEO agency.