
The Property Pack


  • Written by News Company

Heading to a convention to show your offering is no small feat. It shows you are willing to place your business in the scrutiny of the public. It shows you’re ready to network. It can be a real milestone for some brands, especially those that are relatively new. It can be quite a strange feeling when you decide to present at a convention one year, especially if you have otherwise been attending it for years to gain inspiration and advice.

However, just because you may have an emotional connection to the convention and the people there, you will unfortunately not gain any sympathy points from people inspecting your offering for the first time. For this reason, it pays to know how to present, what package might be appropriate to help you do this, generally giving you the means to share your best work with those at the fair.Consider our advice to help you move forward and collect perhaps the best trade show fame possible:


You need somewhere to situate your presentation. No matter if you’re showing your service, a new product, or simply trying to spread the word about your business in a more universal sense, you will need to do so through the form of a visual presence. Convention displays are often used to situate your presentation in a manner that the audience can engage with. It might be that you give out freebies with your business information, or perhaps even curate a more stage-like presence to keep people entertained. No matter how you choose to approach this effort, deciding to in the first instance can be a very worthwhile and entertaining pursuit, for your staff and your potential growing audience. Consider the creative custom design of your display, how color, lighting, props and script might help you gain the edge over the others sharing the convention hall with you. If successful, you never know just what your presence could do for your business.


How are you to communicate with your potential audience? Are you to give your staff a script to stick to? Do you hope to hire actors to present your offering in the most compelling manner possible? Or are you simply going to hire the most knowledgable staff to present these items, in the most factual and real sense possible, levelling with your audience in the most appropriate manner? The manner in which you communicate with your audience can help retain the minutes they spend at your convention, their understanding of what you have to offer and why it matters, and help them begin to think that you are something they need in their lives.


Great engagement levels are not given, they are earned. Consider rewarding those who attend your convention stand with free items, discounts or perhaps some other form of reward for being there. It might be that you give them a freebie if they like or share a post of yours on Facebook, or even simply give their input at the end of your show. Engagement means new potential customers, feedback for future shows, or a better understanding of what your target audience wants.

With these simple tips, you’re sure to incorporate the elements that all great convention presentations share into your personal platform there.