
Business Marketing


Fairsail, the company that is transforming the way mid-sized organizations acquire, engage, manage and develop their modern workforces, today announced that it has developed a new Workforce eXperience (WX) version of its global cloud HRMS.

WX is a completely new and different approach to creating superior user experiences and driving productivity. It changes HR systems that are used occasionally, to workforce experience systems that are used every day. Combining core real-time workforce information and analytics, with formal and informal corporate, internal, employee and social media communications, it delivers a rich, compelling and engaging experience.

"I love this! Not only is it highly functional but Fairsail has done a beautiful job in making it intuitive and easy for different generations to engage - you can understand it in a blink of an eye", said Wanda Lewis, VP HR, Cobalt International Energy. "I have not seen any other product like this. It's unique, a quantum leap forward!"

Using state of the art responsive design, the single page format automatically adapts to fit different form factors, providing a consistent experience across desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. This makes it even quicker and easier to learn and use the system, reducing the need for training, while speeding time to value.

Active process tiles enables users across the organization to be more productive by working on people related tasks, workflows and processes. Fairsail supports the entire employment journey from talent acquisition and onboarding, through performance and talent management to better engaging and communicating with their team members and the wider global workforce. Analytics, metrics and reports are also available for executives and managers on demand. Furthermore, the new version of the product transforms the traditional bi-annual performance review to a regular, proactive, more natural way of engaging and developing team members.

"As an existing customer, we recently received a demonstration of Fairsail's new Workforce eXperience system," said Simon Macdonald, Head of Talent Acquisition and HR Systems, TVG. "It came across as clean, extremely simple to use and its flat, responsive design looked great. From what we were shown, I can really see it becoming the one central hub where all of our workforce go for all of their needs - enabling us to deliver better workforce experiences."

More WX product details

The WX design consists of a series of flexible panels, tabs, and any number of static text and active process tiles, offering users a clean, elegant and intuitive layout.
A navigation panel on the left of the screen provides a consistent view of user options, removing the challenge of navigating hidden drop down menus.

Static text and graphics tiles can be used for internal communications, corporate notices and bulletin board information, removing the need for organizations to rely on corporate intranets for informing the workforce as to important notices, policies, compulsory courses or help information. The application can also record activities and is fully auditable.

Integrated social feeds such as company tweets, and other less formal information, such as sports events, clubs and corporate social news can also be made available at the discretion of the business. The app also supports other forms of social media including blogs, images, video and audio content, providing richer and alternative media for communicating to, interacting with, and engaging staff at different locations around the world.

A ‘People Bar', with slide out menus and built in actions, is always available so that users can identify colleagues, look up their contact details, connect to, and communicate with them. So for instance, a mobile worker could look up a colleague, see their phone number and click to call while on the go, offering a seamless, instant and convenient experience. Additional information, such as whether the person is available or is away on vacation can also be provided, so that time is not wasted trying to reach a team member that is unlikely to respond.

Fairsail will be exhibiting the new WX version of its global cloud HRMS on stand #1427 at the HR Tech Conference & Expo at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas, October 7-10.

The product is currently in beta and will be available in January 2015.