
The Property Pack

The Conversation

What is augmented reality, anyway?

  • Written by Maximilian Speicher, Sponsored Affiliate Researcher in Interactive and Social Computing, University of Michigan
Is that Pikachu on the street right next to you?Marc Bruxelle/

Augmented reality systems show virtual objects in the real world – like cat ears and whiskers on a Snapchat selfie, or how well a particular chair might fit in a room. The first big break for AR was the “Pokémon GO” game, released in 2016 with a...

Read more: What is augmented reality, anyway?

Before the tragedy at Jonestown, the people of Peoples Temple had a dream

  • Written by Rebecca Moore, Emerita Professor of Religious Studies, San Diego State University
In the 1960s, the Temple established nine residential care facilities for the elderly and six homes for foster children in the Redwood Valley.Peoples Temple / Jonestown Gallery/flickr

When people hear the word “Jonestown,” they usually think of horror and death.

Located in the South American country of Guyana, the Peoples Temple...

Read more: Before the tragedy at Jonestown, the people of Peoples Temple had a dream

Los padres primerizos usan las redes sociales para entender su nuevo papel

  • Written by Tawfiq Ammari, Ph.D. Candidate in Information, University of Michigan
La información que comparten los padres en línea los ayuda a enfocarse en su papel a medida que la sociedad cambia.Monkey Business Images/

Un abogado en las Bermudas se hizo famoso en Internet por haber bailado ballet junto a su hija de dos años, esto le ofreció confort para vencer su miedo...

Read more: Los padres primerizos usan las redes sociales para entender su nuevo papel

Dozens of migrants disappear in Mexico as Central American caravan pushes northward

  • Written by Luis Gómez Romero, Senior Lecturer in Human Rights, Constitutional Law and Legal Theory, University of Wollongong
Migrants travel in groups through Mexico for safety reasons. But Mexico is still one of the world's most dangerous countries.AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd

The Hondurans who banded together last month to travel northward to the United States, fleeing gangs, corruption and poverty, were joined by thousands of other Central Americans. Many hoped to find safety...

Read more: Dozens of migrants disappear in Mexico as Central American caravan pushes northward

How anti-black bias in white men hurts black men's health

  • Written by Shervin Assari, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Public Health, University of Michigan
Discrimination creates gaps in care between white and black men. Rawpixel/, CC BY-SA

Researchers have documented “large, pervasive and persistent” racial inequalities in the U.S. Inter-group relations are among the factors that contribute to such disparities, many of which manifest themselves in gaps in health care.


Read more: How anti-black bias in white men hurts black men's health

A vaccine that could block mosquitoes from transmitting malaria

  • Written by Wei-Chiao Huang, Ph.D. Candidate in the Biomedical Engineering Department, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
High magnification view of mosquito pupae and larvae underwater.7th Son Studio/shutterstock

Is it possible to eradicate malaria?

It is a question with which many researchers have grappled, and many ideas have been proposed. The reason malaria has garnered so much attention is that it is one of the deadliest diseases, infecting 200 million people...

Read more: A vaccine that could block mosquitoes from transmitting malaria

Why are some Americans changing their names?

  • Written by Kirsten Fermaglich, Associate Professor, Michigan State University
For decades, native-born American Jews changed their names to improve their job prospects.Billion Photos/

In 2008, Newsweek published an article on then-presidential candidate Barack Obama titled “From Barry to Barack.”

The story explained how Obama’s Kenyan father, Barack Obama Sr., chose Barry as a nickname for...

Read more: Why are some Americans changing their names?

Sci-fi movies are the secret weapon that could help Silicon Valley grow up

  • Written by Andrew Maynard, Director, Risk Innovation Lab, Arizona State University
If you don't want to be facing down an angry dinosaur, pay attention to what happens on screen.Universal Pictures

If there’s one line that stands the test of time in Steven Spielberg’s 1993 classic “Jurassic Park,” it’s probably Jeff Goldblum’s exclamation, “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether...

Read more: Sci-fi movies are the secret weapon that could help Silicon Valley grow up

Maine congressional election an important test of ranked-choice voting

  • Written by Steven Mulroy, Law Professor in Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Election Law, University of Memphis
With no candidate taking a majority of the overall vote, election officials will be counting ballots again under Maine's new ranked-choice voting system.AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty

In Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, an innovative vote-counting system is having its trial run in a federal election.

No candidate received a majority of the...

Read more: Maine congressional election an important test of ranked-choice voting

Why covering the environment is one of the most dangerous beats in journalism

  • Written by Eric Freedman, Professor of Journalism and Chair, Knight Center for Environmental Journalism, Michigan State University
Journalists who cover illegal operations like logging at this site in northern Sagaing division, Myanmar, can face threats and violence. AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe

From the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Kashoggi by Saudi agents to President Trump’s clashes with the White House press corps, attacks on reporters are in the news. This...

Read more: Why covering the environment is one of the most dangerous beats in journalism

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