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  • Written by Ludwig Watzal

No other world leader is more demonized and slandered by the Western media than the Russian President Vladimir Putin. All the major US media outlets and corporations caricature one of the most rational and thoughtful leaders on the international stage. Compared to Donald Trump, Theresa May, and Emanuel Macron, not to speak of the most overrated Angela Merkel, Putin has a vision of the role of the nation-state in international politics. He can be called the Russian Bismarck. The closest to him, what the role and importance of the nation-state are concerned, is President Trump.

At least, there is still one US voice of reason what Russia and Putin are concerned. Professor Stephen F. Cohen, the best expert on Russia in the whole United States, strikes a blow for Putin with excellent, rational and thoughtful arguments. He contrasts sharply with the created "Russiagate" and Russophobic hysteria, which, up till now, are rumors. So far, there hasn't been any shown evidence of so-called Russian hacking or Russian collusion, not by the 17 US Intelligence Agencies. Not to speak of the Clinton/Obama mafia that invented this whole myth with the FBI, DOJ, the Intel community, especially Clapper and Brannan, and the other subordinate crooks in the Obama administration. Without Obama's knowledge and approval, this conspiracy against a newly elected US President could have never taken place.

Without the massive propagandistic support of the mainstream media in the US, the UK, and Australia, not to speak of their scribblers in Western Europe, especially in Germany, this anti-Russian propaganda would have failed. Even more important are people such as Stephen F. Cohen, a voice in the wilderness. Whether the major propaganda outlets such as CNN, MSNBC or the BBC will listen, can be doubted. Too much for their reputation is at stake.

The author works as a journalist and editor in Germany. He runs the bilingual bloc between the lines.


Dr. Robert Owens' Book

Hope a book of Christian hope, Skid Marks in the Sky an autobiography covering my days as a rock-n-roll musician and hippie, and Make America Great Again - AGAIN! a book filled with the positive accomplishments of President Trumps first term (to-date).  All of these are available through Amazon at

Dr. Robert Owens

Buy it today at Amazon

Dr. Robert Owens’ Newest Book 


While neither the first nor the last Hippie, Backstreet was in many ways the quintessential Hippie.  Today the Hippie experience has been glamorized and sanitized by the dreaming of the young and the gleaning of the old. 

Backstreet's experiences covered the whole range of experimentation and rebellion that the Hippies came to symbolize.  From the "Summer of Love" in People's Park and Haight Ashbury, (he helped bury the Hippie in San Francisco) through Drop City, Colorado to the Armadillo in Austin, Texas Backstreet was there. 

More than the Lost Generation of the post-World War I era or the Beat Generation of the 1950's the Hippie Generation represents the ultimate in missed opportunities, lost dreams, and eventually counterproductive goals. 

This book is available at: 

Make America Great Again - AGAIN!

This book is filled with some of the positive accomplishments of President Trump’s first Administration.  Most of this has never been covered by the echo-chamber megaphone pretending to be an objective media.  Some of it has been covered as if through a carnival mirror, distorted and reshaped to fit the negative agenda of the Left. 

Though the media elites, the perpetually re-elected, and the bureaucrats of the deep state are united in their determination to defeat Donald Trump they’ve forgotten one thing … most Americans still believe in America.  And though they’ve used the Plandemic to shut down our economy and their shock troops are burning down our cities they’ll not be able to terrorize us into staying home on election day. 

And when the dust settles,  

four more years may give us enough breathing space to: 

Make America Great Again – Again! 

All of Dr. Owens’ books are available in paperback and kindle at: