How To Make Sure Your Sump Pump Can Handle Melting Snow or Rain

For many homes, the sump pump is an invaluable addition. It sits in your basement, quietly waiting until it’s needed. As soon as the sensor detects water it will turn on and start pumping the water out. In this way, it can prevent your home from flooding.
However, winter brings an array of conditions to challenge your sump pump. One of the most likely problems it will face is melting snow and rain.
There are actually two issues here:
Water Increase
If you have snow that is melting and rain then you’re going to have a much higher volume of water than normal, it will be attempting to overpower your sump pump. The question is whether your sump pump is powerful enough to handle the increased flow, or not.
The secondary issue is the temperature. If you are facing snow then the temperatures have plummeted and you are potentially looking at freezing conditions. This means you have to be sure that your pump can handle freezing temperatures. Some are not designed to work below a certain temperature, you’ll need to make sure you know the lowest temperature in your area before you buy a sump pump.
Freezing conditions also mean that any water in the drain pipe of the pump will freeze. This can be an issue if the pump detects water and starts to work. With the drain blocked the water has nowhere to go. The result is that it will either overpower the pump or it will find another way out. That likely means back into your house, making the problem worse.
What You Need To Do
You need to know the rating of your sump pump to ensure it can handle any deluge. It is also a good idea to insulate any drain pipe from the pump.
While you can test the pump yourself by adding water to the pit and watching how fast it pumps it out, the best approach is to get a registered and reputable plumber Sydney to inspect the sump pump and associated drains. They will ensure it is obstruction-free, your pump is working properly, and whether your drain pipe is likely to freeze or not.
It’s worth noting that setting the drain pipe at a slight downward angle will make it easier to ensure all the water has been pumped out and this reduces the chances of it freezing. Of course, that means the pipe will be going even further under the ground as it exits your house.
Alongside the annual service, you should take the time to test it at least once every six months. This will help you to spot any issues and get the professionals to sort them out. That is preferable to discovering the issue when the water is already pouring into your house and you need the pump working.
You should note that it is recommended to replace any pump older than six years, simply because they are prone to failure.