
Business Marketing


  • Written by News Company

Homeowners looking to sell up quickly ask the same question on a regular basis: “how do I get people to make an offer?” There are plenty of options at your disposal, from adding features buyers love to pricing it correctly. However, the key is to market it effectively so that it has an impact. With proper advertising, you will be able to raise awareness of the sale. Plus, buyers will understand the value it adds to their lives.

Transforming into a marketer when you have zero experience in the field is a tough ask. It’s like becoming a real estate investor without the money or expertise. But, the good news is that beginners don’t need a vat of information to be successful. Regarding real estate marketing, the basics will do as long as are informed.

For that reason, below are the best property marketing tips on the market right now. Follow them and you’ll be as close to selling your nest egg for a good price as ever before.

Name Drop

This is a materialistic world where brand names carry lots of power. So, it makes sense to drop them into the conversation wherever possible. Some people may not care about the local boutiques at the end of the street, yet others could be enthralled. And, it’s these people you want to target because the brands will give the property an extra string to its bow.

Start by taking an inventory of the things around the home which have marketing power. Usually, the appliances are the things which grab the attention of buyers the most. Right now, an Amazon Echo or Google Home is the sort of cultural currency which bumps up house prices. As well as TVs and furniture, don’t forget the architects, designers and contractors who all played their part in creating your home.

Next, you want to focus on the neighbourhood. What does it have which will appeal to material boys and girls? Typically, shopping malls are worth mentioning, as are restaurants, bars and celebrity-spotting opportunities.


Write A Story

Your job is to stand out from the rest of the houses on the block. To do that, you need more than standard statistics which don’t tell a story. Yes, the square footage of the property is important, but only from an admin point of view. Buyers say they care yet they’re not as invested in whether there are three rooms or four as they like to think. For the most part, they want to picture themselves living in their dream home.

This is where creating a narrative comes into play. Using colourful language and flowery prose will paint a vivid mental picture and connect them to the space. Once this happens, the bond will stop them from relating and investing in other homes. Try and use the romantic parts of your house’s history to get them on the hook. For example, you can talk about the family experience if you’re advertising to families.

The best stories incorporate the vital stats into the main body of the text. If you don’t have the writing skills, you can hire a writer to take care of the narrative.

Employ Video

Video has become the king of content in today’s marketing world. Regarding real estate, it can be the difference between a successful sale and interested parties bouncing. Remember not everybody will be able to make it to the viewing. Those that don’t tend to dismiss the opportunity because they need to get a feel for the property before making an offer.

With a professional video, it’s possible to show them around as if they were there in person. This takes away the fear element as they should be able to trust what you are offering. In partnership with high-quality images of the house, there shouldn’t be any problems. For investors with multiple properties - think about developing video recommendations and reviews.

Buyers love to hear from people who don’t have a biased opinion. Again, it adds a trust element to proceedings.

Offer Alternatives

One of the main problems with selling a house is the audience. It’s not that they’re bad people; more that it’s a small sample range. Only people who want a new home are going to be interested, and that’s an issue. Why? It’s because there’s a mid-range amount with property needs and millions of houses on the market. The supply is low and the demand is high, which makes it tough to grab a buyer’s attention.

Marketing the building as something else, then, may lead to increase interest. An example would be selling it as a home with a corporate feel. Big houses have the potential to be child or daycare locations where work-at-home parents can base themselves. As soon as your home is part of the childcare centre sales as well as the normal listings, there’s bound to be a wide range of people who are interested.

Alternatives include a gym or a computer programming workspace. If you go down this route, be sure to include information about licences and permits. A listing which doesn’t will force interested parties to pull the offer when they realise they need more.


Price Under Value

It’s worth noting lots of people will hate the idea, and that’s fine. But, it’s also worth pointing out it can be a very handy tool when used properly. First of all, yes – the initial price is lower than you may like. However, it’s about playing the long game and building a base of interested buyers.

Consider your home is in an area where there are a handful of properties on the market. The fact it’s cheaper than the rest and offers the same experience will make people curious. Once they start to view the lot, you can flesh out their interest and encourage them to make a bid.

If enough people do it, a bidding war will ensue and you will end up with more money than anticipated.

Hopefully, the advice above helps you find the perfect buyer who snaps up your property ASAP.

Image credit. Flickr