
The Property Pack

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  • Written by Jacob Willam
I think of FOUND as much more than a sourcing company but at the heart of our operations is the constant sourcing of right t suppliers for our clients. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of having partnerships in China with the right people. Relationships are the solid foundation upon which to build successful supply chains.

The following issues are signs you have the wrong partners or need to manage operations dierently:

Communicating beyond sales sta is problematic
Lack of solid certification documentation around product ranges

Lack of support with data for marketing material
Technical knowledge of the product is lacking
Product supplied is inferior to samples/discussions/agreements

Prices constantly increase without legitimate evidence
Poor packaging
Unwillingness to be open and exible with reasonable requests
Payment terms and lead times are one sided

The list above is all too familiar and most companies think they just have to battle through all the issues before them. It is possible by providing very detailed information that you will receive a positive response to issues and necessary actions are taken to rectify same.

In general that is not the case, what usually happens is that a huge amount of time, energy and resources are spent in vain trying to drag a below average supplier to an acceptable level. In many cases it is a pointless waste of resources. You have to know when to walk away and be willing to do so.

We¡¯ve learned a lot of lessons and know that taking the time to nd the right t supplier is critical to success. If you are trying to nail processes and communications over multiple supply chains the above issues become even more complex to solve.

Having a supplier with problems in China can be worse than having no supplier. Sourcing from China , Problems in supply chains are costly in dollars and reputation which in the long run is detrimental to the health of your business. When striving to bring a product supplier up to standard across a range of issues via daily remote communications and limited visits, precious time servicing your own clients is lost.

If you are struggling with some of the many issues mentioned above then speaking to us at FOUND would be a good idea. Our core experience in running multiple supply chains saves time and money. Our seven essential tips on improving procurement cover.

1.Supplier Network
2.Work Load
3.Technical Detail

To get the full information please visit:

If you are currently taking on a lot of risk by juggling any of the issues raised here then stop and think about making a change. I look forward to hearing from you on the above content or about joining our FOUND Licensee family.

Come and sign up now: and Finding suppliers in China

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Skype: johnog509
Visit: Room 1208/1209, No.400 Zhejiang Lu, Huangpu, Shanghai,