Harper and Hewson to address the challenges facing small business at Summit
Professor Ian Harper, chair of the Abbott Government’s Competition Policy Review and Dr John Hewson AM, former Liberal Party and federal opposition leader, will speak about the challenges facing small business, and discuss plans for the future with reference to the recent B20 summit and the government’s Competition Policy Review at next week’s National Small Business Summit (NSBS) in Melbourne 7-8 August.
The goal of the Competition Policy Review is to consider the state of competition in the Australian economy and how institutional frameworks and policy principles can be designed to strengthen the competitive process.
Professor Ian Harper will share an in-depth progress report of the Review.
“Small business issues have been the second most commonly raised topics in submissions to date.
“At the Summit, I will elaborate on major concerns submitted by the small business community such as market concentration, competitive neutrality issues and concerns about government, particularly in local government, having unfair advantages. I will also discuss the Review’s timetable, disclosing key opportunities for small business to continue their contribution to the Review,” said Professor Harper.
Meanwhile, Dr John Hewson will focus on the challenges facing small business in this uncertain world – both internationally and domestically, referencing the long awaited government’s tax reform white paper.
The 12th annual NSBS, hosted by the Council of Small Business Australia (COSBOA), provides a platform for small business representatives, senior politicians, bureaucrats and big business representatives to exchange ideas, opinions and experiences aimed to drive change and build productivity across the small business sector.
This year, the Summit has attracted yet another great line-up of high-profile speakers and attendees, also including Senator Bridget McKenzie; Ged Kearney, President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions; Tim Reed, CEO of MYOB; Brent Thomas, VP of Public Policy and Corporate Affairs – Australasia MasterCard Worldwide and Natalie James, Fair Work Ombudsman.
While COSBOA is focussed on key issues such as workplace relations; the collection of superannuation; contract law and competition policies, these exciting and passionate speakers provide specialist insights and information covering a diverse and comprehensive range of small business subjects.
For more information or to register for the 2014 NSBS visit:
About the speakers:
Professor Ian Harper is one of Australia's best known economists. He has worked closely with governments, banks, corporates and leading professional services firms at the highest level.
In 2014 Ian was appointed to chair the Abbott Government's Competition Policy Review, a "root and branch" review of Australia's competition policy, laws and regulators. He is also a partner at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Director of Deloitte Access Economics Pty Ltd and Emeritus Professor at the University of Melbourne.

Dr John Hewson came to national prominence as Leader of the Liberal Party in the early 90s. Since then he has worked widely as an investment banker and company director, and chairs several boards. He is a noted commentator on social and economic issues.
About COSBOA & the National Small Business Summit:
- The Council of Small Business Australia (COSBOA) was founded in 1979 and was incorporated in 1985.
- COSBOA is Australia’s peak body exclusively representing the interests of small businesses.
- The 2014 National Small Business Summit will be held at the Crown Conference Centre Melbourne on August 7th and 8th.
- The National Small Business Summit provides the small business sector with the opportunity to discuss and identify relevant issues, promote innovation and generate ideas to stimulate growth within the industry.
- For more information about the summit visit: www.
nationalsmallbusinesssummit. com.au
- For more information on COSBOA visit: http://www.cosboa.org.au/
- Interviews with Peter Strong, CEO are available upon request.
- Connect through social media channels:
Facebook: /COSBOA
Twitter: @COSBOA
Hashtag: #NSBS14
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/cosboa
- COSBOA is a long-time advocate of small business on issues from taxation and workplace relations, through to competition law and retail tenancy.
- The goals of COSBOA are to promote and support the development of small businesses in Australia and the council recognises that it is a national imperative for Australia that the needs of small business are on the national policy agenda.